Welcome To The Official Website Of Dr. Parashram Patil

The journey of agricultural labourer to become an agricultural economists


Brief Biography Of Dr. Parashram Patil


Achievements Of Dr. Parashram Patil


Unforgettable Moments


Dr. Parashram Patil is an agricultural and natural resources economist. He is a well-known international expert in the field of agriculture and natural resources economics. He is a researcher, author, innovator, policy expert and entrepreneur.

His journey as an agricultural labourer to become an international agricultural economist is noteworthy and inspirational. He has completed Masters in Commerce and PhD, Shivaji University Kolhapur, Post Doctorate, University of Pune.

Formally: Consultant, Asian Development Bank, NABCONS (NABARD), Ministry of Commerce and Industries. APEDA, Start-up India, Adviser, Garmin Vikas Trust.

Currently: International Expert, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, NMML Fellow, Nehru Museum and Library, Ministry of Culture, Govt of India, CMD, Flory Agro Exports LLP, Founder and President, The Institute For Natural Resources (Think Tank), Adviser, Center for Village Sustainable Development, Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics Pune, Visiting Faculty, Indian Institute of Horticulture Research, Bangalore, Visiting Faculty, VAMNICOM, Pune, Research includes analysis and policy advise on agriculture market and development of value chains, agriculture trade liberalizations and negotiations at WTO with key focus on likely implications on developing country interests, Forest Accounting, Climate Change.

Published in national and international journals. Gave policy advise to Indian governments and interacted with corporate sector involved in agribusiness, forestry, climate change, farmers groups and civil society organisations.

Agricultural Economist | International Expert | Author | Innovator | Policy Expert | Entrepreneur

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