Published Papers

  • Impact of new agricultural export policy on Indian agriculture exports, Journal of Public Affairs, 2020 (Scopus Index).
  • Liberalization and Cashew Industry: Evidence from India (1965 to 2018), International Journal of Business and globalizations, 2020 (ABDC Index).
  • Relationship between Tea Industry Specific Factors and Tea Companies Share Prices: Empirical Evidence from an Emerging Economy, International Journal of Business and globalizations, 2020 (ABDC Index).
  • Impact of Trade Liberalization on Tea Industry in India (1964 to 2017), Prajnan, Journal of Social and Management Sciences (National Institute of Bank Management) R.B.I. (Scopus Index),
  • Dependence between Sugar Industry and Sugar Companies Share Prices: Evidence from India, Finance India, 2020. (ABDC Index).
  • Forest Accounting and Sustainability, Transition Strategies for Sustainable Community Systems Design and Systems Perspectives, 2019, Springer nature.
  • Cashew Export: A Challenges Ahead, Indian Journal of Entrepreneurship,
  • Relationship Between Foreign Direct Investment in Infrastructure Development and Economic Growth, Evidences from Indian Economy, 7th International Conference on Energy and Infrastructure management,
  • Forest Accounting and Ecological Sustainability, Global Journal of Management and Business Research,
  • Forest Accounting: A Theoretical Perspective, International Journal of Accounting & Economic Studies,
  • An Ecological Analysis of Forest Accounting, Environmental analysis and ecological studies, 2017.
  • Exploring Asymmetries in Production, Export and Import in Post-Globalization Era: A Case of Indian Cashew industry, EXCEL International Journal of Multidisciplinary Management Studies
  • Indian Cashew Food, Journal for Integrative Food, Nutrition and Metabolism,
  • Cashew Processing Mechanism and Technology, Journal of Nutrition and Health Sciences,
  • Entrepreneurship Development: A Case Study of Cooperative Cashew, Processing Unit, International Journal of Multi- Dimensional Research, 2015.
  • South Asian Agriculture Economy: A Case Study of South Asian Cashew Economy, International, Journal of Economics and Socio-Legal Sciences,
  • White Gold: An Experience of Cashew, Golden Research Thought,
  • Agri-business Management: A Case Study of Indian Cashew-nut Industry, JM International Journal of Finance,
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