Dr. Parashram Patil is an Indian agricultural economist and a well-known international expert in the field of agriculture and natural resources economics. He is a researcher, author, innovator, policy expert and entrepreneur. His journey as an agricultural labourer to become an agricultural economist is noteworthy and inspirational. He has earned Doctorate from Shivaji University, Kolhapur, (Agro based Industry of India) and Post Doctorate from Savitribai Phule University, Pune (Natural Resources Accounting). He is a prestigious Nehru Memorial Museum & Library Fellow, worked on Indian agricultural export competitiveness. Currently: He is a Senior Advisor Agriculture, Maharashtra Institution for Transformation, Govt of Maharashtra (State NITI Aayog), Independent Director, Maharashtra State Cashew Board, Govt of Maharashtra, Board Member, APEDA (Ministry of Commerce and Industry), Govt of India, He is an Adjunct Professor at Yashwantrao Chavan School of Rural Development, Shivaji University, Kolhapur. Adjunct faculty at Vekunt Mehta Institute of Cooperative Management, Ministry of Cooperation, Govt of India. He is the Chairman of The Institute for Natural Resources (think tank in agriculture and natural resources). He is the founder of Western Ghat Agro & Forest Museum. Flory Agro Exports LLP, Adviser, Infinite Sum Modelling LLC. Previously: He was consultant with Asian Development, Bank, International expert Member of slow on set events group of United Nations Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Senior Consultant, NABCONS, Agricultural export policy consultant with APEDA. His research includes analysis and policy advice on agriculture market and development of value chains, agriculture trade liberalizations and negotiations at WTO with key focus on likely implications on developing country interests, Forest Accounting, Climate Change. Dr. Patil has 8 books to his credit on Indian Agriculture, besides numerous research papers in national and international Journals. He has been a prolific writer in leading newspapers in India on Indian agriculture. He has worked extensively in the agriculture sector especially agriculture export, Agri-business, agri marketing, value chain, forestry, climate change, etc. He gave policy advice to Indian governments, national and multination’s institutions and interacted with the corporate sector, farmers groups and civil society organisations involved in the agribusiness sector.
Brief Biography