

  • Founder & President, The Institute for Natural Resources (Think Tank in Agriculture and Natural Resources).
  • Fellow, NMML, Nehru Museum Memorial & Library, Ministry of Culture, Govt of India, New Delhi (2021 till date).
  • International Climate Change Expert, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) (2021 till date).
  • Consultant, Asian Development Bank (2021).
  • Subject Matter Expert, NABCONS, NABARD (2021 till date).
  • CMD, Flory Agro Exports LLP (2021 till date).
  • Startup India Mentor, Ministry of Commerce and Industries, Govt of India (2021 till date).
  • Member, IndGap Technical Committee, Quality council of India (Ministry of Commerce and Industries) (2020 till date).
  • Adviser, Gramin Vikas Trust (2021).
  • Startup Mentor, AIC-RMP (2021).
  • Adviser, Center for Village Sustainable Development, Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics Pune (2022).
  • Visiting Faculty. Indian Institute of Horticulture Research, Bangalore, (2022)
  • Visiting Faculty, VAMNICOM, Pune, (2022)
  • Intellectual Property Right in Agriculture Committee Member, Shivaji University, Kolhapur (2022)
  • Member, Research Group on Management of Innovation and Technology (GEITEC) of the Federal University of Rondônia (UNIR), Brazil (2021 till date).
  • Member, Agriculture Committee, Maharashtra Chamber of Commerce Industry & Agriculture,
  • Invited expert, Committee of Right to Food and Nutrition of National Human Right Commission, Govt of India (2020).
  • Empaneled expert, Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services, Switzerland (2020 till date).
  • Expert Member, African Cashew Alliance, Ghana (2020 till date).
  • Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, University of Pune (2016-2019).
  • All India Topper for UGC Dr. S. Radhakrishnan Post Doctorate Fellowship 2015-16.
  • Young Researcher Award from Trans Asian Chamber of Commerce,
  • MTC Global Excellence Award 2015-16.
  • Selected for ICSSR Post Doctorate
  • Bharat Jyoti Award 2015 from India International Friendship Society New
  • Best Citizens of India Award 2015 from International Publishing House New
  • Award of Departmental Research Fellowship at Department of Commerce and Management, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, for D.
  • Award of Contingency Grant-in-aid by Indian Council of Social Science Research, New
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