India is a significant player in world Mango economy in a standing of production, processing, export and its very crucial as well for Indian rural economy being one of the significant springs of income for millions of mango farmers. And in larger perspective fruits like mango plays very vital role in national food security (K.G. Chay, 2019). It’s very well grown into the Indian agriculture conditions in most of the part of country and become very important crop in India’s agricultural economy. Indian mango has unique demand worldwide due its shapes, sizes, colors, variety, flavor, aroma and taste. Over the period of time integration of global markets brought several changes in agricultural exports as its competitiveness of agricultural exports is depends on several factors such as tariff, nor tariff, finance, export infrastructure and policy guidelines etc. India’s agricultural export competitiveness is very from products to products since Mango export in Indian agriculture is noteworthy thus it’s imperious to sightsee India’s mango export competitiveness.
Indian Mango Production: India has suitable agro climatic conditions for mango cultivations. It is mainly grown in tropical and subtropical part of the country. Mangoes grow best in temperatures around 27C. According to National Horticulture Board India is the top mango producing country in the world accounting nearly 50% of the world’s mango production. As per APEDA (apex body in India for mango export) although India has more than 1000 varieties of Mango but only few varieties commercially grown in India. The following are the important varieties grown in India and used for export purposes. In India, top 10 mango productions states are Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Telangana, West Bengal, Orissa, and Maharashtra. Uttar Pradesh ranks first in mango production with a share of 20.89 % and highest productivity.
Productivity Profitability of Mango: India’s export competitiveness of mango is vulnerable due to low productivity profitability which need to be improve in order surge share in export market. India’s present mango productivity is 6.50 tones/ha which is quite low as compare to highest mango productivity in the world. If India increases productivity of Mangos up to 15.83 tones/ha which is highest in the world then there will be added production of 6544960 tons which can be exported with competitive prices in international market.
Indian Mango Exports (HS Code: 08045020): India is one of the significant exporters of the mango in the world. In the year of 2019-20, India exported 49,658.68 MT of man- goes to the world for the worth of Rs. 400.21 crores/ 56.11 USD Millions (APEDA). India exports mango to various countries namely to UAE, UK, USA, Oman, Qatar, Nepal, Kuwait, Saudi Arab, Bangladesh and Singapore. However, UAE, UK, USA and Oman are the major export destinations for India Mango. India’s mango export competitiveness has been shaken as India is having tariff disadvantages in mango exports. Competitor countries are having added advantages over India in mango exports.
- Indonesia: China has agreement of ASEAN- China free-trade area duty rates under which they have nil duty access in Here, India has tariff disadvantages in Indonesia as India has to pay 5% import duty in Indonesia export market.
- Egypt: Egypt does not have trade agreements in respect of Mango export with India’s competitor, hence 45% import duty applicable rate to all major Mango exporting countries in India does not have tariff disadvantages in Egypt Mango export market over other competitors. However, India may negotiate import duty with Egypt government to bring down to acceptable limit.
- Saudi Arab : India does not have tariff disadvantage in Saudi Arab market as applied tariff for all competing countries is 0%.
- UAE : India does not have tariff disadvantage in UAE as applied tariff for all competing countries is 0%.
- UK : India does not have tariff disadvantage in UK as applied tariff for India is 0%.
- Canada : India does not have tariff disadvantage in Canada for Mango export as applied tariff for India is 0%.
- Kuwait : India does not have tariff disadvantage in Kuwait for Mango export as applied tariff for India is 0%.
- Malaysia : Malaysia does not have trade agreements in respect of Mango export with India’s competitor, hence 5% import duty rate applicable to all major Mango exporting countries in India does not have tariff disadvantages in Malaysia Mango export market.
Conclusion: In India domestic supply of Mango is largely driven by increase in cultivation area rather than improvement in productivity (Kavita Balyan 2015). India’s present mango productivity is 6.50 tones/ha which is quite low as compare to highest mango productivity in the world. If India increases productivity of Mangos up to 83 tones/ha which is highest in the world then there will be added production of 6544960 tons which can be exported with competitive prices in international market. China is the competitor for mango export in Indonesia market however, China get nil duty access, whereas, India have been charged 5% import duty. It made impact on price competitiveness of mango in Indonesia market. Therefore, government of India may have trade negotiations with Indonesia government and try to get nil duty access like China in Indonesia Mango Export Market. Egypt is important export market for Indian mango however due to lack of any trade agreement with respect of Mango export, India have been charged tremendous import duty. Its heavy burden on export price. India does not have tariff disadvantages in Egypt Mango export market over other competitors. However, India may negotiate import duty with Egypt government to bring down to acceptable limit